2022 Red Packet

Roaring Into The New Year

2021 was a challenging year with many mountains to overcome. In the face of so much calamity in the world and in Malaysia, we wanted to create a Chinese New Year campaign that would encourage everyone to believe once again in the arrival of better times. The “red” packets acted as an uplifting wish from CUBEevo, welcoming a courageous and prosperous year of the Tiger!

The year of the Tiger presented us with a unique opportunity as the tiger is also a symbol of Malaysia. We wanted the design to signify a sense of Malaysian courage, determination, strength and intelligence. This sentiment was also highlighted by the choice of colours, which are unconventional for Chinese New Year, but still manage to capture the boldness of the message in a modern twist.

As for copy, we based it on the Chinese proverb: After suffering comes happiness - 虎进甘来 (苦尽甘来). Paired with the visuals, we intended to portray the awakening and revival of the tiger within each of us - the tiger that would rise to conquer difficulties and to bravely face whatever reality would bring in the year ahead.

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