Packaging Development

Tired of that stale, uninteresting packaging on your products? Let’s change it into something distinct, that will make you the center of attention to all your customers.
Got Problems Like These?
Your current packaging makes your product seem outdated and undesirable in comparison to the fresh, eye-catching designs of your competitors.
You aren’t confident that your product would remain unscathed if you dropped it. The packaging doesn’t protect nor provide any useful functionalities.
Your brand has changed for the better over time, but your packaging remains in the past, failing to reflect your current identity and direction.
Website Development
Art direction
Yogood is a popular Malaysian brand in the health niche often recognized for its healthy gourmet muesli bars and cereals. We helped Yogood to revamp their Yogood Gourmet Muesli series packaging as well as their website.
For their packaging, Yogood wanted a design that’s stylish yet simple. We proposed a concept that’s fresh, “breathable” and has a great sense of white space that reflects the light-hearted and carefree state of when we’re healthy.